Save the Date: Sensory-Friendly Hours

April 26, 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Sensory Friendly Hours

Sensory-Friendly Hours at Pacific Science Center are designed for learners of all ages with sensory sensitivities who benefit from a calmer and more accessible environment.

Formerly known as Exploration for All, these special events feature adjusted lighting and sound to ensure a welcoming and engaging experience for all attendees.

What to Expect

  • Softened lighting and reduced noise levels throughout the space.
  • Adjusted hands-on activities and exhibits tailored for a sensory-friendly experience.
  • Access to the Sensory Lounge, a quiet retreat available during all visits to PacSci.
  • A free social narrative is available online year-round to help guests plan their visit.

Reserve your tickets online. Walk-up tickets are also available at the North Entrance.

Contact us with any question or need more information. Learn more about Accessibility at PacSci.

Upcoming dates

May 188–10 a.m.
June 218–10 a.m.

Generous Support Provided By:

Safeco Insurance logo

Additional support comes from more than 2,500 individuals, companies, and foundations that donate to the Science Center each year. Learn more about ways you can support the Access to Science Pipeline and Pacific Science Center.