PacSci Virtual Advocacy Day 2025

Pacific Science Center is on a mission to provide free or discounted hands-on STEM learning to every low-income school in the state. Thanks to the legislature’s support, in FY24 we served more than 110,450 students across 48 legislative districts, with over 74% of the programs provided at no cost. To continue offering this level of free or discounted programming, we need your help to share the story of how PacSci programming has impacted your students!

This year’s event will be virtual so you can join either February 3, between 2-5 p.m. or February 6, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. When you have selected your option, our team will schedule a 15-minute meeting in that window for you and your legislator to connect.

Thank you so much for signing up for PacSci Virtual Lobby Day 2025. If you have any additional questions or comments to share, please email Braden Sigua.