Trees surrounded by water and mountain icon

Puget Sound Model

Trees surrounded by water and mountain icon

Puget Sound Model

Included in General Admission
Wheelchair Accessible

Explore the science of northwest Washington’s largest and ecologically diverse estuary, the Puget Sound. See real tides and currents in action at the 100 sq. ft. scale model of the sound.

BAckground & History

One of the first permanent exhibits installed after the 1962 World’s Fair, the Puget Sound Model has been on our floor since 1971. Constructed by the University of Washington’s Department of Oceanography, the model was designed as a tool to research tidal currents and water exchanges in Puget Sound. Dixie Lee Ray, former Washington Governor and first Pacific Science Center president, spearheaded the acquisition of this replica model in the hope of helping the public better understand Puget Sound as a dynamic marine environment and “as a valuable resource that requires careful and knowledgeable planning for proper use now and in the future.”

Adding Augmented Reality

This sentiment is even more critical today as we face the challenges of a booming population and a warming climate. These evolving stories require a more flexible tool to help our community visualize change and we think augmented reality is a perfect solution. The addition of digital content allows us to tell multiple stories that highlight the geological and environmental uniqueness of Puget Sound, and how human activities are affecting our region.

To start experimenting with this technology, Pacific Science Center engaged Stage2Studios, a local development company to create a first layer of digital content for the Puget Sound Model centered around three of the forces that shape our region: volcanoes, glaciers and rainfall. During your visit, you’ll be able to access this content through tablets tethered to the sides of the model. Each side accesses a different part of the story, so be sure to try all three.